Lance realizes that he is only wearing boxers and gives Keith’s hand a small tug. Keith finds Lance hand first and he says, “Come with me for a second?” The brunette sees Keith’s silhouette in the dark with a tilted head and let’s Keith pull him out from under the warm covers. Lance rolls his eyes and blindly reaches out for Keith’s hand in the dark, so he can pull him to bed. Keith smirks, “And you taste like your face wash, but I don’t say anything Lance.” Lance splutters, “Babe! You taste like toothpaste!” The raven-haired man smiles and cups Lances cheek to give him a small kiss. Keith spits out the toothpaste and wipes his mouth before walking out to Lance laying in the dark on their bed. Keith is in the bathroom brushing his teeth and Lance is tucked under the covers in their bed waiting for him. Tonight after two years Keith is going to say ‘psst’ this time. It’s started a trend that every night Lance would say something to Keith before they go to bed and Keith would respond back. The first time it ever happened Keith was caught by surprise because they had just started sharing a bed after dating for about 3 months and Lance said, “psst Keith I think we are perfect.” Keith sat there for a few second just staring stupidly at the ceiling before he said back with a soft smile, “I think so too.” Last night it was, “psst I love you” and the night before it was ”psst Keith you are so beautiful”. Lance has this thing going where he will always say ‘psst’ with a cute message before they go to bed at night. Stats: Published: Words: 1,869 Chapters: 1/1 Comments: 6 Kudos: 229 Bookmarks: 16 Hits: 2,068

Keith & Voltron: Legendary Defender Team.Lance & Voltron: Legendary Defender Team.Allura & Coran & Hunk & Keith & Lance & Pidge | Katie Holt & Shiro.